Source code for torchdyn.numerics.odeint

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	Functional API of ODE integration routines, with specialized functions for different options
	`odeint` and `odeint_mshooting` prepare and redirect to more specialized routines, detected automatically.
from inspect import getargspec
from typing import List, Tuple, Union, Callable, Dict
from warnings import warn

import torch
from torch import Tensor
import torch.nn as nn

from torchdyn.numerics.solvers.ode import AsynchronousLeapfrog, Tsitouras45, str_to_solver, str_to_ms_solver
from torchdyn.numerics.interpolators import str_to_interp
from torchdyn.numerics.utils import hairer_norm, init_step, adapt_step, EventState

[docs]def odeint(f:Callable, x:Tensor, t_span:Union[List, Tensor], solver:Union[str, nn.Module], atol:float=1e-3, rtol:float=1e-3, t_stops:Union[List, Tensor, None]=None, verbose:bool=False, interpolator:Union[str, Callable, None]=None, return_all_eval:bool=False, save_at:Union[List, Tensor]=(), args:Dict={}, seminorm:Tuple[bool, Union[int, None]]=(False, None)) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: """Solve an initial value problem (IVP) determined by function `f` and initial condition `x`. Functional `odeint` API of the `torchdyn` package. Args: f (Callable): x (Tensor): t_span (Union[List, Tensor]): solver (Union[str, nn.Module]): atol (float, optional): Defaults to 1e-3. rtol (float, optional): Defaults to 1e-3. t_stops (Union[List, Tensor, None], optional): Defaults to None. verbose (bool, optional): Defaults to False. interpolator (bool, optional): Defaults to False. return_all_eval (bool, optional): Defaults to False. save_at (Union[List, Tensor], optional): Defaults to t_span args (Dict): Arbitrary parameters used in step seminorm (Tuple[bool, Union[int, None]], optional): Whether to use seminorms in local error computation. Returns: Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: returns a Tuple (t_eval, solution). """ if t_span[1] < t_span[0]: # time is reversed if verbose: warn("You are integrating on a reversed time domain, adjusting the vector field automatically") f_ = lambda t, x: -f(-t, x) t_span = -t_span else: f_ = f if type(t_span) == list: t_span = # instantiate the solver in case the user has specified preference via a `str` and ensure compatibility of device ~ dtype if type(solver) == str: solver = str_to_solver(solver, x.dtype) x, t_span = solver.sync_device_dtype(x, t_span) stepping_class = solver.stepping_class # instantiate the interpolator similar to the solver steps above if isinstance(solver, Tsitouras45): if verbose: warn("Running interpolation not yet implemented for `tsit5`") interpolator = None if type(interpolator) == str: interpolator = str_to_interp(interpolator, x.dtype) x, t_span = interpolator.sync_device_dtype(x, t_span) # access parallel integration routines with different t_spans for each sample in `x`. if len(t_span.shape) > 1: raise NotImplementedError("Parallel routines not implemented yet, check experimental versions of `torchdyn`") # odeint routine with a single t_span for all samples elif len(t_span.shape) == 1: if stepping_class == 'fixed': if atol != odeint.__defaults__[0] or rtol != odeint.__defaults__[1]: warn("Setting tolerances has no effect on fixed-step methods") return _fixed_odeint(f_, x, t_span, solver, save_at=save_at, args=args) elif stepping_class == 'adaptive': t = t_span[0] k1 = f_(t, x) dt = init_step(f, k1, x, t, solver.order, atol, rtol) if len(save_at) > 0: warn("Setting save_at has no effect on adaptive-step methods") return _adaptive_odeint(f_, k1, x, dt, t_span, solver, atol, rtol, args, interpolator, return_all_eval, seminorm)
# TODO (qol) state augmentation for symplectic methods
[docs]def odeint_symplectic(f:Callable, x:Tensor, t_span:Union[List, Tensor], solver:Union[str, nn.Module], atol:float=1e-3, rtol:float=1e-3, verbose:bool=False, return_all_eval:bool=False, save_at:Union[List, Tensor]=()): """Solve an initial value problem (IVP) determined by function `f` and initial condition `x` using symplectic methods. Designed to be a subroutine of `odeint` (i.e. will eventually automatically be dispatched to here, much like `_adaptive_odeint`) Args: f (Callable): x (Tensor): t_span (Union[List, Tensor]): solver (Union[str, nn.Module]): atol (float, optional): Defaults to 1e-3. rtol (float, optional): Defaults to 1e-3. verbose (bool, optional): Defaults to False. return_all_eval (bool, optional): Defaults to False. save_at (Union[List, Tensor], optional): Defaults to t_span """ if t_span[1] < t_span[0]: # time is reversed if verbose: warn("You are integrating on a reversed time domain, adjusting the vector field automatically") f_ = lambda t, x: -f(-t, x) t_span = -t_span else: f_ = f if type(t_span) == list: t_span = # instantiate the solver in case the user has specified preference via a `str` and ensure compatibility of device ~ dtype if type(solver) == str: solver = str_to_solver(solver, x.dtype) x, t_span = solver.sync_device_dtype(x, t_span) stepping_class = solver.stepping_class # additional bookkeeping for symplectic solvers if not hasattr(f, 'order'): raise RuntimeError('The system order should be specified as an attribute `order` of `vector_field`') if isinstance(solver, AsynchronousLeapfrog) and f.order == 2: raise RuntimeError('ALF solver should be given a vector field specified as a first-order symplectic system: v = f(t, x)') solver.x_shape = x.shape[-1] // 2 # access parallel integration routines with different t_spans for each sample in `x`. if len(t_span.shape) > 1: raise NotImplementedError("Parallel routines not implemented yet, check experimental versions of `torchdyn`") # odeint routine with a single t_span for all samples elif len(t_span.shape) == 1: if stepping_class == 'fixed': if atol != odeint_symplectic.__defaults__[0] or rtol != odeint_symplectic.__defaults__[1]: warn("Setting tolerances has no effect on fixed-step methods") return _fixed_odeint(f_, x, t_span, solver, save_at=save_at) elif stepping_class == 'adaptive': t = t_span[0] if f.order == 1: pos = x[..., : solver.x_shape] k1 = f(t, pos) dt = init_step(f, k1, pos, t, solver.order, atol, rtol) else: k1 = f(t, x) dt = init_step(f, k1, x, t, solver.order, atol, rtol) return _adaptive_odeint(f_, k1, x, dt, t_span, solver, atol, rtol, return_all_eval)
[docs]def odeint_mshooting(f:Callable, x:Tensor, t_span:Tensor, solver:Union[str, nn.Module], B0=None, fine_steps=2, maxiter=4): """Solve an initial value problem (IVP) determined by function `f` and initial condition `x` using parallel-in-time solvers. Args: f (Callable): vector field x (Tensor): batch of initial conditions t_span (Tensor): integration interval solver (Union[str, nn.Module]): parallel-in-time solver. B0 ([type], optional): Initialized shooting parameters. If left to None, will compute automatically using the coarse method of solver. Defaults to None. fine_steps (int, optional): Defaults to 2. maxiter (int, optional): Defaults to 4. Notes: TODO: At the moment assumes the ODE to NOT be time-varying. An extension is possible by adaptive the step function of a parallel-in-time solvers. """ if type(solver) == str: solver = str_to_ms_solver(solver) x, t_span = solver.sync_device_dtype(x, t_span) # first-guess B0 of shooting parameters if B0 is None: _, B0 = odeint(f, x, t_span, solver.coarse_method) # determine which odeint to apply to MS solver. This is where time-variance can be introduced odeint_func = _fixed_odeint B = solver.root_solve(odeint_func, f, x, t_span, B0, fine_steps, maxiter) return t_span, B
[docs]def odeint_hybrid(f, x, t_span, j_span, solver, callbacks, atol=1e-3, rtol=1e-3, event_tol=1e-4, priority='jump', seminorm:Tuple[bool, Union[int, None]]=(False, None)): """Solve an initial value problem (IVP) determined by function `f` and initial condition `x`, with jump events defined by a callbacks. Args: f ([type]): x ([type]): t_span ([type]): j_span ([type]): solver ([type]): callbacks ([type]): t_eval (list, optional): Defaults to []. atol ([type], optional): Defaults to 1e-3. rtol ([type], optional): Defaults to 1e-3. event_tol ([type], optional): Defaults to 1e-4. priority (str, optional): Defaults to 'jump'. """ # instantiate the solver in case the user has specified preference via a `str` and ensure compatibility of device ~ dtype if type(solver) == str: solver = str_to_solver(solver, x.dtype) x, t_span = solver.sync_device_dtype(x, t_span) x_shape = x.shape ckpt_counter, ckpt_flag, jnum = 0, False, 0 t_eval, t, T = t_span[1:], t_span[:1], t_span[-1] ###### initial jumps ########### event_states = EventState([False for _ in range(len(callbacks))]) if priority == 'jump': new_event_states = EventState([cb.check_event(t, x) for cb in callbacks]) triggered_events = event_states != new_event_states # check if any event flag changed from `False` to `True` within last step triggered_events = sum([(a_ != b_) & (b_ == False) for a_, b_ in zip(new_event_states.evid, event_states.evid)]) if triggered_events > 0: i = min([i for i, idx in enumerate(new_event_states.evid) if idx == True]) x = callbacks[i].jump_map(t, x) jnum = jnum + 1 ################## initial step size setting ################ k1 = f(t, x) dt = init_step(f, k1, x, t, solver.order, atol, rtol) #### init solution & time vector #### eval_times, sol = [t], [x] while t < T and jnum < j_span: ############### checkpointing ############################### if t + dt > t_span[-1]: dt = t_span[-1] - t if t_eval is not None: if (ckpt_counter < len(t_eval)) and (t + dt > t_eval[ckpt_counter]): dt_old, ckpt_flag = dt, True dt = t_eval[ckpt_counter] - t ckpt_counter += 1 ################ step f_new, x_new, x_err, _ = solver.step(f, x, t, dt, k1=k1) ################ callback and events ######################## new_event_states = EventState([cb.check_event(t + dt, x_new) for cb in callbacks]) triggered_events = sum([(a_ != b_) & (b_ == False) for a_, b_ in zip(new_event_states.evid, event_states.evid)]) # if event, close in on switching state in [t, t + Δt] via bisection if triggered_events > 0: dt_pre, t_inner, dt_inner, x_inner, niters = dt, t, dt, x, 0 max_iters = 100 # TODO (numerics): compute tol as function of tolerances while niters < max_iters and event_tol < dt_inner: with torch.no_grad(): dt_inner = dt_inner / 2 f_new, x_, x_err, _ = solver.step(f, x_inner, t_inner, dt_inner, k1=k1) new_event_states = EventState([cb.check_event(t_inner + dt_inner, x_) for cb in callbacks]) triggered_events = sum([(a_ != b_) & (b_ == False) for a_, b_ in zip(new_event_states.evid, event_states.evid)]) niters = niters + 1 if triggered_events == 0: # if no event, advance start point of bisection search x_inner = x_ t_inner = t_inner + dt_inner dt_inner = dt k1 = f_new # TODO (qol): optional save #sol.append(x_inner.reshape(x_shape)) #eval_times.append(t_inner.reshape(t.shape)) x = x_inner t = t_inner i = min([i for i, x in enumerate(new_event_states.evid) if x == True]) # save state and time BEFORE jump sol.append(x.reshape(x_shape)) eval_times.append(t.reshape(t.shape)) # apply jump func. x = callbacks[i].jump_map(t, x) # save state and time AFTER jump sol.append(x.reshape(x_shape)) eval_times.append(t.reshape(t.shape)) # reset k1 k1 = None dt = dt_pre else: ################# compute error ############################# if seminorm[0] == True: state_dim = seminorm[1] error = x_err[:state_dim] error_scaled = error / (atol + rtol * torch.max(x[:state_dim].abs(), x_new[:state_dim].abs())) else: error = x_err error_scaled = error / (atol + rtol * torch.max(x.abs(), x_new.abs())) error_ratio = hairer_norm(error_scaled) accept_step = error_ratio <= 1 if accept_step: t = t + dt x = x_new sol.append(x.reshape(x_shape)) eval_times.append(t.reshape(t.shape)) k1 = f_new if ckpt_flag: dt = dt_old - dt ckpt_flag = False ################ stepsize control ########################### dt = adapt_step(dt, error_ratio,, solver.min_factor, solver.max_factor, solver.order) return, torch.stack(sol)
[docs]def _adaptive_odeint(f, k1, x, dt, t_span, solver, atol=1e-4, rtol=1e-4, args=None, interpolator=None, return_all_eval=False, seminorm=(False, None)): """Adaptive ODE solve routine, called by `odeint`. Args: f ([type]): k1 ([type]): x ([type]): dt ([type]): t_span ([type]): solver ([type]): atol ([type], optional): Defaults to 1e-4. rtol ([type], optional): Defaults to 1e-4. args (Dict): use_interp (bool, optional): return_all_eval (bool, optional): Defaults to False. Notes: (1) We check if the user wants all evaluated solution points, not only those corresponding to times in `t_span`. This is automatically set to `True` when `odeint` is called for interpolated adjoints """ t_eval, t, T = t_span[1:], t_span[:1], t_span[-1] ckpt_counter, ckpt_flag = 0, False eval_times, sol = [t], [x] while t < T: if t + dt > T: dt = T - t ############### checkpointing ############################### if t_eval is not None: # satisfy checkpointing by using interpolation scheme or resetting `dt` if (ckpt_counter < len(t_eval)) and (t + dt > t_eval[ckpt_counter]): if interpolator == None: # save old dt, raise "checkpoint" flag and repeat step dt_old, ckpt_flag = dt, True dt = t_eval[ckpt_counter] - t f_new, x_new, x_err, stages = solver.step(f, x, t, dt, k1=k1, args=args) ################# compute error ############################# if seminorm[0] == True: state_dim = seminorm[1] error = x_err[:state_dim] error_scaled = error / (atol + rtol * torch.max(x[:state_dim].abs(), x_new[:state_dim].abs())) else: error = x_err error_scaled = error / (atol + rtol * torch.max(x.abs(), x_new.abs())) error_ratio = hairer_norm(error_scaled) accept_step = error_ratio <= 1 if accept_step: ############### checkpointing via interpolation ############################### if t_eval is not None and interpolator is not None: coefs = None while (ckpt_counter < len(t_eval)) and (t + dt > t_eval[ckpt_counter]): t0, t1 = t, t + dt x_mid = x + dt * sum([interpolator.bmid[i] * stages[i] for i in range(len(stages))]) f0, f1, x0, x1 = k1, f_new, x, x_new if coefs == None: coefs =, f0, f1, x0, x1, x_mid) x_in = interpolator.evaluate(coefs, t0, t1, t_eval[ckpt_counter]) sol.append(x_in) eval_times.append(t_eval[ckpt_counter][None]) ckpt_counter += 1 if t + dt == t_eval[ckpt_counter] or return_all_eval: # note (1) sol.append(x_new) eval_times.append(t + dt) # we only increment the ckpt counter if the solution points corresponds to a time point in `t_span` if t + dt == t_eval[ckpt_counter]: ckpt_counter += 1 t, x = t + dt, x_new k1 = f_new ################ stepsize control ########################### # reset "dt" in case of checkpoint without interp if ckpt_flag: dt = dt_old - dt ckpt_flag = False dt = adapt_step(dt, error_ratio,, solver.min_factor, solver.max_factor, solver.order) return, torch.stack(sol)
[docs]def _fixed_odeint(f, x, t_span, solver, save_at=(), args={}): """Solves IVPs with same `t_span`, using fixed-step methods""" if len(save_at) == 0: save_at = t_span assert all(torch.isclose(t, save_at).sum() == 1 for t in save_at),\ "each element of save_at [torch.Tensor] must be contained in t_span [torch.Tensor] once and only once" t, T, dt = t_span[0], t_span[-1], t_span[1] - t_span[0] sol = [] if torch.isclose(t, save_at).sum(): sol = [x] steps = 1 while steps <= len(t_span) - 1: _, x, _ = solver.step(f, x, t, dt, k1=None, args=args) t = t + dt if torch.isclose(t, save_at).sum(): sol.append(x) if steps < len(t_span) - 1: dt = t_span[steps+1] - t steps += 1 if isinstance(sol[0], dict): final_out = {k: [v] for k, v in sol[0].items()} _ = [final_out[k].append(x[k]) for k in x.keys() for x in sol[1:]] final_out = {k: torch.stack(v) for k, v in final_out.items()} elif isinstance(sol[0], torch.Tensor): final_out = torch.stack(sol) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"{type(x)} is not supported as the state variable") return torch.Tensor(save_at), final_out
[docs]def _shifted_fixed_odeint(f, x, t_span): """Solves ``n_segments'' jagged IVPs in parallel with fixed-step methods. All subproblems have equal step sizes and number of solution points Notes: Assumes `dt` fixed. TODO: update in each loop evaluation.""" t, T = t_span[..., 0], t_span[..., -1] dt = t_span[..., 1] - t sol, k1 = [], f(t, x) not_converged = ~((t - T).abs() <= 1e-6).bool() while not_converged.any(): x[:, ~not_converged] = torch.zeros_like(x[:, ~not_converged]) k1, _, x = solver.step(f, x, t, dt[..., None], k1=k1) # dt will be broadcasted on dim1 sol.append(x) t = t + dt not_converged = ~((t - T).abs() <= 1e-6).bool() # stacking is only possible since the number of steps in each of the ``n_segments'' # is assumed to be the same. Otherwise require jagged tensors or a [] return torch.stack(sol)
[docs]def _jagged_fixed_odeint(f, x, t_span: List, solver): """ Solves ``n_segments'' jagged IVPs in parallel with fixed-step methods. Each sub-IVP can vary in number of solution steps and step sizes Returns: A list of `len(t_span)' containing solutions of each IVP computed in parallel. """ t, T = [t_sub[0] for t_sub in t_span], [t_sub[-1] for t_sub in t_span] t, T = torch.stack(t), torch.stack(T) dt = torch.stack([t_[1] - t0 for t_, t0 in zip(t_span, t)]) sol = [[x_] for x_ in x] not_converged = ~((t - T).abs() <= 1e-6).bool() steps = 0 while not_converged.any(): _, _, x = solver.step(f, x, t, dt[..., None, None]) # dt will be to x dims for n, sol_ in enumerate(sol): sol_.append(x[n]) t = t + dt not_converged = ~((t - T).abs() <= 1e-6).bool() steps += 1 dt = [] for t_, tcur in zip(t_span, t): if steps > len(t_) - 1: dt.append(torch.zeros_like(tcur)) # subproblem already solved else: dt.append(t_[steps] - tcur) dt = torch.stack(dt) # prune solutions to remove noop steps sol = [sol_[:len(t_)] for sol_, t_ in zip(sol, t_span)] return [torch.stack(sol_, 0) for sol_ in sol]